A friendly group of MG car enthusiasts who meet for
social and MG related activities
With over 250 members who enjoy a wide and varied programme of events, ranging from very much MG related events to purely social.
Everyone is welcome whether you own an MG or not, and whether you are the MG enthusiast or the MG enthusiast’s partner.
Please feel free to have a look around and if you like what you see, or think you might enjoy the company of like-minded people, just come along to one of our meetings.
The February Monthly Meeting was the annual club auction, in which member bring unwanted gifts and possessions and this helped us raised £140 for club funds.
As usual the Hunt the Valentine car Run was a success, with a route of around 26 miles around the surrey countryside. This year 46 people took part in 26 cars and although the weather was cold it remained dry and 42 people lunched at The Plough finish.
This years winners where, 1st Fiona and Derek Dowle, 2nd Debbie and Jerramy Sharpe and 3rd Linda and Richard Cordle, with Gina House. All scored 23 out of 24 and a length of string decided the winners!

Volunteer Opportunities
We are looking to fill the following volunteering vacancies at the Epsom Area MG Owners’ Club:
- Car Events Secretary
If any members are interested or know anyone external to the club who would like to volunteer, please chat to us.

New MG Cars
Here are the full details of the three MG Motor dealerships in our area
Richmond MG Guildford: Moorfield Road, Guildford, Surrey, GU1 1RU
Tel. No. 01483 916465
Wilson MG Group Epsom: Nonsuch Business Park, Kiln Lane, Epsom, Surrey, KT17 1DH
Tel No. 02038 463916
Masters MG Group: 850 Wickham Road, Croydon, Surrey, CR0 8ED
Tel. No. 020 8777 0901