The Epsom Area MG Owners’ Club
One of the largest, most active Areas within the MG Owners’ Club
Established in 1981, it has grown steadily over the years and now has over 250 individual members, young and old
Epsom Area MGOC Monthly Meetings
We hold monthly meetings on the first Thursday of each month commencing at 7:30pm. The first hour of the monthly meeting is usually spent catching up on what has been happening, picking brains on mechanical problems, or just having a friendly catch-up with other members. At each meeting a part of the evening is given over to talks from a guest speaker, quizzes, competitions, food nights, wine tasting and many more. We also highlight forthcoming events so you can plan your own diary, this includes details about our mid-month ‘Natters’ held at a local hostelry where you can enjoy a meal, or snack, or just catch-up with other members in a relaxed atmosphere.
We publish a monthly newsletter called Octagonal News. This is available online for download and contains articles of interest to members, advertisements and a list of activities planned for the current and future months, so that you have ample time to plan your own diary.

Social Events
We use our MG’s for some purely social gatherings, visiting restaurants, vineyards, taking us to rambles, skittles and ten pin bowling, the list is endless. The year starts with the Annual Dinner Dance and Awards in January where we get the chance to air our best togs. There is much to enjoy and the social occasions give you the opportunity to meet and get to know other Epsom members.
Car Events
As a car club, the catalyst for our involvement is our MGs. We regularly attend shows, organise runs and visit places of interest. These include events outside our own locality in Wales, Ireland, the Channel Islands, France and hunts, driving tests and take us to events organised by other Areas and MG Clubs.

Charity Events
The Epsom Area has a continuing policy of charitable fundraising. We support many local charitable events throughout the year by putting on a display of members MGs at fetes and other local fundraising events. From time to time we target and support specific local charities and organise events to raise funds for them.
Over the years we have donated an amazing total of over £130,000 to charity. The Children’s Trust at Tadworth, the Diamond Riding Centre at Carshalton and St. Raphael’s Hospice in Cheam have been the beneficiaries of members fundraising activity. We have also made donations to many other local charities nominated by our members.
We hope that this will encourage you to come along and join us!
You will find a warm welcome awaiting you.
The annual subscription is only £10 per couple